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Fishing in Alaska Bear Country

It is important that we don’t teach bears that anglers can provide an easy meal!

Bears Have Rights to the Prime Fishing Sites

  • Fish are a critical food source for bears; give them plenty of time and room to fish.
  • If a bear approaches while you are fishing, ensure you are not blocking its path. Back away from the shore and allow the bear to pass or fish.
  • Find a new fishing site if yours is claimed by a bear.

Splashing Fish Attracts Bears

  • If a bear is near enough to notice a fish splashing—STOP FISHING!
  • If a bear approaches while you have a fish on the line, give it slack or cut the line to eliminate splashing and prevent the bear from taking the fish away from you.
  • If a bear attempts to take fish from you, surrender your catch to the fast moving current.

Secure Your Catch

  • Fish remains attract bears. Clean your fish at the beach or shore and cast all remains into the ocean, lake, or river.
  • If there are bears on the beach, it may be best to wait until you leave the area to clean your fish.
  • Immediately store your fish in a bear-resistant container (available from your KBA guide).

Fish and Travel in the Open

  • Avoid places where geographic factors, such as heavy cover, prevent you from seeing what’s ahead.
  • Be alert and noisy in areas where the sound of running water may prevent you from hearing bears, and vise versa.
  • Remember, bears that are surprised are dangerous.
Alaska Fly-In Fishing